Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer Reading Club has started and our new online registration is GREAT. However, it is NOT self-explanatory. One of the mistakes a few people are making is to put the total number of minutes they have read into the time log. The two younger groups are counting 15 minute blocks of time which means that for every 15 minutes they read or listen, they count 1. 15 minutes is 1; 30 minutes is 2; 45 minutes is 3, etc.

So on the log page, parents should imagine that they are dividing by 15. 45 minutes divided by 15 is 3, so if your child listened to books for 45 minutes, enter 3 in the log.

When you enter a number, at the bottom of the log it reads something like that "3 15 minutes have been logged."

It's easy to fix the mistake. Go to the log page and click "edit" on the right hand side of each entry. Then enter the right number in the time box. The program will automatically correct the mistakes and adjust the number of prizes your child should earn.

Good luck.

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